+ Adobe Illustrator CC Shortcut Keys List Download in PDF & Excel File
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Adobe Illustrator CC Keyboard Shortcuts for PC - Create a multiple-page Adobe PDFAdobe Certified Professional: Illustrator.Top Adobe Illustrator CC Shortcut Keys (Excel-PDF)
Create and customize gradients. Key Concepts: Gradient panel, editing color and transparency stops, gradient types, Gradient Mesh, etc. Create, manage, and edit swatches and swatch libraries.
Key Concepts: color, global color, pattern, and gradient swatches; identifying color swatch type, including Process, Spot, and Global Spot; creating, managing, and loading swatch libraries including commercial libraries like Pantone , etc. Use the Color Guide panel to select coordinated colors. Open and browse libraries of included brushes, symbols, graphic styles, and patterns.
Edit preset brushes, symbols, graphic styles, and patterns. Key Concepts: stroke, fill, brushes, brush types, width tool, etc. Official guidelines 3. Use the Layers panel to modify layers.
Manage and work with multiple layers in a complex project. Key Concepts: using sublayers, Paste Remembers Layers, hierarchy and stacking order, selecting and targeting objects using the Layers panel, etc. Adjust the opacity of a layer. Key Concepts: Transparency panel and Opacity masks. Create, apply, and manipulate clipping masks. Official guidelines 4. Create graphics or artwork using a variety of tools. Use type tools to add typography.
Key Concepts: difference between area type, point type, and type on a path; placeholder text. Use appropriate character settings. Key Settings: font, size, style, alignment, kerning, tracking, leading, horizontal and vertical scale, color used to enhance readability and hierarchy, enhanced type, etc. Use appropriate paragraph settings. Key Settings: indentation, alignment, paragraph spacing d. Convert text to graphics. Manage text flow.
Key Concepts: multiple text areas, managing overflow text, threading text, wrapping text, etc. Select objects using a variety of tools. Key Concepts: targeting vs selecting, saving selections, selecting based on object attributes color, stroke, opacity , etc.
Modify and refine selections using various methods. Key Concepts: keyboard modifiers, selecting multiple objects with selection tools or Layers panel, moving and grouping objects, regular Selection tool vs Direct Selection tool vs Lasso tool vs Group Selection tool, etc. Group or ungroup selections.
Key Concepts: grouped objects, Isolation Mode, etc. Modify artboards. Key Tools: Artboard tool; resizing, cropping, and copy and paste art and artboards within and between documents, etc. Key Concept: understanding the relationship between the art and the artboard. Rotate, flip, and transform individual layers, objects, selections, groups, or graphical elements. Key Concepts: scaling, scale options, transforming, warping, distorting, skewing, using distortion tools or menu options, Repeat objects, etc.
Apply basic auto-correction methods and tools. Key Tools: Simplify tool, Smooth tool, Join tool, etc. Repair and reconstruct graphics.
Evaluate or adjust the appearance of objects, selections, or layers. Key Concepts: fill and stroke, Appearance panel, brushes, Eyedropper tool, etc.
Use Image Trace to create vectors from bitmap images. Key Concepts: Trace presets, tracing settings, expanding, etc. Use effects to modify images. Key Concepts: identifying the difference between raster and vector effects; drop shadows, feathers, and glows; editing applied effects, etc. Create, edit, and save Graphic Styles. Key Concepts: creating, deleting, and managing graphic styles; breaking links to graphic styles, etc.
Expand the appearance of objects. Key Concepts: expanding transformations, stroke, effects. Official guidelines 5. Verify project specifications. Key Concepts: setting document color mode color space , resolution raster effects , pixel dimensions, metadata, etc.
Save in the native file format for Illustrator. Key Concepts: compatibility, save options including Cloud documents. Save graphics in appropriate formats for print or screen. Key Concepts: file formats including vector vs. Export project elements. Key Concepts: exporting assets, exporting specific selections or artboards, exporting for screens, etc.
Package an Illustrator project. Key Concepts: font and image management and troubleshooting, file packages, etc. Learn Premiere Pro. Follow along with tutorials and projects to master the basics, refine your skills, or find inspiration.
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View resources. Become an Adobe Certified Professional. Get started. Nora Johns. Monika White. Tom harderson. Ana Chovash.
August 11, Exam Guide Blurb about mastering fundamental tools, features, workflows, specialized knowledge. Visit Future Media Concepts. Select language English. Links make PDFs easy to navigate. Tagged PDFs contain information on content and structure, which makes them accessible on-screen readers. You can create different types of PDF files from within Illustrator.
Either choose a preset from the Adobe PDF Preset menu, or select a category from the list on the left of the dialog box and then customize the options. By saving a layered PDF file in Illustrator, you allow your illustration to be used in different contexts.
For example, rather than creating multiple versions of the same illustration for a multilanguage publication, you can create one PDF file that contains text for all languages. Set up your illustration so that the adjustable elements those you want to show and hide are in separate top-level layers, not nested within sublayers.
Illustrator provides the option to save a document in the smallest file size. To generate a compact PDF from Illustrator, do the following:. Make sure that you deselect the Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities check box to avoid saving the Illustrator resources along with the document.
These settings are designed to balance file size with quality, depending on how the PDF will be used. You can also create and share custom presets for your unique output requirements. A few of the presets listed below are not available until you move them—as needed—from the Extras folder where they are installed by default to the Settings folder.
Some presets are not available in some Creative Suite components. Review your PDF settings periodically. The settings do not automatically revert to the default settings. High Quality Print. Creates PDFs for quality printing on desktop printers and proofing devices. This preset uses PDF 1. These PDFs can be opened in Acrobat 5.
Illustrator Default Illustrator only. Creates a PDF in which all Illustrator data is preserved. PDFs created with this preset can be reopened in Illustrator without any loss of data.
Oversized Pages Acrobat only. Creates PDFs suitable for viewing and printing of engineering drawings larger than x inches. Used for long-term preservation archival of electronic documents. Compliant files must contain information describing the printing condition for which they are prepared. The PDF created in this setting can be opened in Acrobat 4.
Press Quality. In this case, the quality of the content is the highest consideration. The objective is to maintain all the information in a PDF file that a commercial printer or print service provider needs in order to print the document correctly. This set of options uses PDF 1. Before creating an Adobe PDF file to send to a commercial printer or print service provider, find out what the output resolution and other settings should be, or ask for a.
You might need to customize the Adobe PDF settings for a particular provider and then provide a. Rich Content PDF. Creates accessible PDF files that include tags, hyperlinks, bookmarks, interactive elements, and layers.
It also optimizes files for byte serving. These PDF files can be opened in Acrobat 6. Smallest File Size. Creates PDF files for displaying on the web, an intranet, or for email distribution. This set of options uses compression, downsampling, and a relatively low image resolution.
It converts all colors to sRGB and embeds fonts. For best results, avoid using this preset if you intend to print the PDF file. Magazine Ads Japan. Standard Acrobat only. Creates PDF files to be printed to desktop printers or digital copiers, published on a CD, or sent to a client as a publishing proof.
This set of options uses compression and downsampling to keep the file size down, but also embeds subsets of all allowed fonts used in the file, converts all colors to sRGB, and prints to a medium resolution. Note that Windows font subsets are not embedded by default. PDF files created with this settings file can be opened in Acrobat 5. If this is the case, you or your service provider can create custom presets.
To create a new preset, click New. If you want to base the new preset on an existing preset, select the preset first.
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